Category: Web Resources

  • 1890s online

    1890s online

    The 1890s project at


    The Yellow Nineties 2.0 magazine rack features searchable digital editions of eight late-Victorian little magazines in the context of their production and reception between 1889, when the first issue of The Dial appeared, and 1905, when the last volume of The Venture was published. The magazines are available in a number of formats. Each volume may be read in either a continuous scroll or the virtual facsimile of the flipbook. Individual items within a volume may be accessed via its hyperlinked Table of Contents. Whenever possible, promotional materials and contemporary reviews are included with each title. The Database of Ornament allows users to search and compare textual decorations across magazine titles, volumes, and contributors.

    Database of Ornament

    A research tool built using OMEKA software, the Y90s Database of Ornament categorizes and indexes textual ornaments in the fin-de-siècle little magazines remediated on Yellow Nineties 2.0 and establishes a standard vocabulary set for markup. Textual ornaments may be studied in Database Collections for The Dial (1889-1897), The Evergreen: A Northern Seasonal (1895-96), The Green Sheaf (1903-4), The Pageant (1896-97) and The Savoy (1896). Each digital edition on Yellow Nineties 2.0 includes an image of the decorated page, hyperlinked to the Database. Users can collect, compare, and analyze a rich visual archive of ornaments used in these little magazines, including initial letters, headpieces, tailpieces, and borders. 

    Editor: Lorraine Janzen Kooistra
    Research Team: Reg Beatty, John Connolly, Emma Fraschetti, and Kaitlyn Fralick


    Biographical essays on contributors to Y90s little magazines are written by international experts in the field and peer reviewed for publication on the site. Hyperlinked to each magazine’s Table of Contents and Introductory essays as well as to related biographies, biographical essays provide up-to-date, accessible information on the artists, authors, engravers, editors, and publishers who contributed to these magazines. Each essay is accompanied by a contemporary portrait of the biographical subject, if one is available.

    For biographical details about those contributors for whom there is, as yet, no biographical essay available, go to the Y90s Personography.

    The Editors welcome proposals for biographies from interested scholars. See CFP here.

    Editorial Team:  Reg Beatty, Koenraad Claes, Emma Fraschetti, Frederick King, Alexandra McLean, Alexandra Pospisil

    Y90s Personography

    A personography is a structured way of representing biographical data about a person or persons. The Y90s Personography is a searchable biographical database of the persons and publishers who contributed to the late-Victorian little magazines available on Yellow Nineties 2.0.