Ricketts and Vale Press Bibliography

1889The Dial, Vol. 1 FULL VIEW
1891Hardy, Thomas. Tess of the D’Urbervilles. 3 Vols. London: Osgood McIlvaine, 1891. Binding
1891Hardy, Thomas. A Group of Noble Dames. London: Osgood McIlvaine, 1891. Binding
1891A House of Pomegranates. Oscar Wilde. Quarto. (Osgood, McIlvaine, 1891.) 13 illustrations by Charles Ricketts, 4 by C. H. Shannon. Binding FULL VIEW
1891The Picture of Dorian Gray Binding
1892The Dial, Vol. 2 FULL VIEW
1893The Dial, Vol. 3 FULL VIEW
1893Gray, John. Silverpoints. London: Elkin Matthews & John Lane, 1893. Binding
1893Symonds, J. A. In the Key of Blue. London: Elkin Matthews & John Lane, 1893. (Binding)
1893Poems, Dramatic and Lyrical. Lord de Tabley. Octo. (Mathews and Lane, 1893.) Binding FULL VIEW
1893Daphnis and Chloe. Longus. Translated by Geo. Thornley [1657]. Quarto. (Mathews and Lane, 1893.) 37 woodcuts drawn on the wood by Charles Ricketts from the designs of Charles Ricketts and Charles Shannon. Engraved by both artists.
1894The Sphinx. Oscar Wilde. Quarto. Printed at the Ballantyne Press, 1894.)
1894Hardy, Thomas. Life’s Little Ironies. London: Osgood McIlvaine, 1894. Binding.
1894Hero and Leander. Christopher Marlowe and George Chapman. Octo. Vale Press, 1894.) 7 designed and engraved on wood by Charles Ricketts and Charles Shannon. FULL VIEW
1896The Dial, Vol. 4 FULL VIEW
1896Early Poems of John Milton. Reprinted from the Edition of mdcxlv [1645]. Edited by Charles Sturt.
1896Epicurus, Leontion and Ternissa. By Walter Savage Landor.
1896The Poems of Sir John Suckling. A collection of all the authentic poetical pieces, not excepting the songs which form part of his plays. Edited by John Gray. The original spelling has been retained.
1896Spiritual Poems. By John Gray. The greater number of these poems are translations from a variety of authors covering the whole field of Christian Poetry.
1896The Passionate Pilgrim and the Songs in Shakespeare’s Plays. Edited by T.S. Moore. The original spelling has been retained.
1896The Nymphidia and the Muses Elizium. By Michael Drayton, Esquire. Edited by John Gray. Printed in the original spelling.
1896Fifty Songs by Thomas Campion. Edited by John Gray. Printed in the original spelling.
1896Empedocles on Etna. Matthew Arnold.
1897The Dial, Vol. 5
1897The Pageant Binding
1897, 1899The Book of the Thel, Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience, by W. Blake.
1897Fair Rosamund. A Play by Michael Field, reissued with revisions by the author.
1897The Sacred Poems of Henry Vaughan (Silurist). Being a selection, the original spelling beings retained. Edited by Charles Ricketts.
1897The Poems and Sonnets of Henry Constable. Edited from early editions and manuscripts by John Gray.
1897The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche. Translated out of Latin by William Adlington. In the original spelling of the first edition.
1897Sonnets from the Portuguese. By Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
1897Vacaresco, H. The Bard of Dimbovitza. 2nd Series. London: Osgood McIlvaine, 1897. Binding
1898The Sonnets of Sir Philip Sidney. In the original spelling. This books contains all sonnets known to have been written by Sir Philip Sidney.
1898De La Typographie et de L’Harmonie de la Page Imprimee, Willam Morris et son Influence Sur lest Arts et Metiers. By Charles Ricketts and Lucien Pissarro.
1898The Rowley Poems of Thomas Chatterton. Edited by R. Steele.
1898The World at Auction. A play by Michael Field.
1898The Lyrical Poems of Shelley.
1898Wilde, Oscar. The Ballad of Reading Gaol. London: Leonard Smithers, 1898. Binding
1902The Poems of John Keats.
1898The Blessed Damozel. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Reprinted from “The Germ”
1899[Wilde, Oscar]. An Ideal Husband. London: Leonard Smithers, 1899.
1899Poetical Sketches by William Blake.
1899The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. By Coleridge.
1899Hand and Soul. D. G. Rossetti. Reprinted from “The Germ”
1899A Defence of the Revival of Printing. By Charles Ricketts.
1899Dramatic Romances and Lyrics by Robert Browning.
1903The Sonnets of Shakespeare. In the original spelling. Edited by T. S. Moore.
1899The Centaur and the Bacchante. Translated from the French of Maurice de Guérin.
1900Poems of Alfred Tennyson.
In Memorium. Tennyson
1900The Life of Benevenuto Cellini. Translated by John Addington Symonds.
1901The Race of Leaves. A Play by Michael Field.
1901Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Translated from teh Persian by Edward Fitzgerald.
1901De Cupidinis et Psyches Amoribus. From the Metamorphoses of Lucius Apuleius. The Latin Text was edited by C. J. Holmes.
1902The Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Three vols. Uniform with “The Poems of John Keats”
Lyrical Poems – Shelley
1902Religio Medici, Urn Burial, Christian Morals, and Other Essays. By Sir Thomas Browne. Edited by C. J. Holmes.
1902A Catalogue of Mr. Shannon’s Lithographs, with Prefatory Note by Charles Ricketts.
1902Poems from Wordsworth. Edited by T. Sturge Moore.
1902Ecclesiastes; Or the Preacher, and the Song of Solomon.
1903The Amber Witch. By William Meinhold. Translated by Lady Duff Gordon. Uniform with the Kelmscott edition of “Sidonia the Sorceress.”
1903The Parables from the Gospels.
1903Julia Domna. A Play by Michael Field. Uniform with “The World at Auction”
1903The King’s Quair. By King James I. of Scotland. Edited by Robert Steele, the original spelling being retained.
1903Danaë. A Poem by T. Sturge Moore.
1900Anthony and Cleopatra
1900King Lear
1900Romeo and Juliet
1900Julius Caeser
1900Troilus and Cressida
1900Timon of Athens
1900Pericles, Prince of Tyre
1901Titus Andronicus.
1901Love’s Labour Lost
1901The Comedy of Errors
1901Two Gentlemen of Verona
1901A Midsummer Night’s Dream
1901The Taming of the Shrew
1901All’s Well that Ends Well
1901Twelfth Night, or What You Will
1901A Winter’s Tale
1902Measure for Measure
1902The Merry Wives of Windsor
1902The Tempest
1902Much Ado About Nothing
1902The Merchant of Venice
1902As You Like It
1902King John
1902Richard II
1902King Henry IV. Part I
1902King Henry IV. Part II.
1903King Henry V.
1903King Henry VI. Part I.
1903King Henry VI. Part II. Part III
1903The Sonnets of W. Shakespeare.
1903King Henry VI. Part III.
1903The Poems of W. Shakespeare.
1903King Richard III.
1903The Tragedy of Doctor Faustus. By Christopher Marlowe. Edited by T. Sturge Moore, printed uniform with the volumes of Shakespeare.
1904A Bibliography of the Books Printed by Hacon and Ricketts.
1908Field, Michael [Katherine Bradley and Edith Cooper]. Wild Honey. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1908. Binding