“This paper, first spoken as a lecture at the New Gallery, for the Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society, in the year 1889, was printed by the Kelmscott PRess during the Arts and Crafts Exhibition at the New Gallery, Regent Street, London, 1893. Sold by William Morris, Kelmscott Press, Upper Mall, Hammersmith.” (68)
Bibliography: “16mo. Golden type. In black and red. 1500 on paper at two shillings and sixpence, 45 on vellum at ten and fifteen shillings. Bound in half holland. This lecture was setup at Hammersmith and printed at the New Gallery during the Arts and Crafts Exhibition in October & November 1893. The first copies were ready on October 21, and the book was twice reprinted before the Exhibition closed. It was the first book printed in 16mo. The four-line initials used in it appear here for the first time. The vellum copies were sold during the Exhibition at ten shillings, and the price was subsequently raised to fifteen shillings.” (32-33).