Written by Edmund Spenser; illustrated by Arthur Gaskin; edited by F.S. Ellis.
Bibliography: The Shepheardes Calender: Conteyning Twelve Aeglogues, Propotionable to the Twelve Monethes. By Edumund Spenser. Edited by F.S. Ellis. Medium 4to. Golden type. In black & red. With twleve full-page illustrations by A. J. Gaskin. 225 on paper at a guinea, 6 on vellum at three guineas. Dated Oct. 14, issued Nov. 26, 1896. Published at the Kelmscott Press. Bound in half holland. The illustrations in this book were printed from process blocks by Walker & Boutall. By and oversight the names of the author, editor, and artist were omitted from the colophon.” (50)