“Overseen by F.S. Ellis, after the edition printed by J.O. Halliwell from the ms. in the library of Lincoln Cathedral”
Bibliography: “Overseen by F. S. Ellis, after the edition edited by J. O. Halliwell from the Thornton MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral. 8 vo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 13a and 13, and a woodcut designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones. 350 on paper at fifteen shillings, 8 on vellum at four guineas. Dated Feb. 16, issued May 2, 1895. Published by William Morris. Bound in limp vellum. This is the first of the series to which Sire Degrevaunt & Syr Isumbrace belong. They were all reprinted from the Camden Society’s volume of 1844, which was a favorite with Mr. Morris from is Oxford days. Syr Perecyvelle was first announced int eh list of Dec 1., 1895. The shouldernotes were added by Mr. Morris.” (40)